If you are considering criminal justice programs in Oregon, there are a wide variety of options. Many schools today offer criminal justice programs in Oregon online. So those looking to complete a criminal justice degree have a wide variety of options to choose from. Many people interested in criminal justice degree programs in Oregon are already employed, so having the option to study and take classes to meet their own schedules is imperative. And with the need for increased personnel in criminal justice, this is a win/win for all.
To choose the right school, make sure that all credits can be transferred, should you have to switch schools. Make sure that the school offers an accredited program and offers the specific classes that you want, in order to pursue the area of criminal justice that most appeals to you. After you complete your due diligence and find the right program to pursue criminal justice degrees in Oregon, you will be ready to start moving toward your ideal career.
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How We Ranked the Best Online Criminal Justice Programs in Oregon
Students and working adults in the criminal justice field going back to school want to know that their degrees will pay off. That’s why Criminal Justice Degree Hub editors ranked the best online programs in Oregon according to practical factors, including cost, salary potential, and student reviews, using data from IPEDS and Niche.
1. Oregon State University

Oregon State University offers the best online criminal justice degrees in Oregon for students who want to continue to work while earning their degrees. An online degree gives the student a chance to complete their education and work at the same time. Students are able to learn why certain patterns develop in society and why those patterns are so important. An online Sociology degree with an emphasis on Crime and Justice gives students a chance to find employment in law enforcement or as a victim’s advocate.
For over 150 years, Oregon State University has been able to provide students with the type of educational programs that will help them succeed in whatever they try. Faculty members are driven to provide students with innovative and challenging lesson plans that allow them to explore their horizons and face the future with confidence. Graduates receive the highest quality education possible and are able to take advantage of new opportunities at every corner.
Degree: Sociology – Crime and Justice
Format: Online
2. Portland State University

Portland State University provides the best online criminal justice programs in Oregon for students who are interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Students receive skills that prepare them to investigate criminal behavior. They are taught concepts and methodology that will allow them to solve crimes and maintain order. With an online BA or BS in Criminology and Criminal Justice degree, graduates can look for work within law enforcement agencies or as private investigators.
Portland State University is a leader in its field when it comes to using advanced technology and the highest quality curriculum. The university brings together the best degree programs and the most respected faculty members to provide students with a learning environment that is both inviting and productive. The online platform makes it easy for students to reach their career goals while taking care of their families and other financial responsibilities.
Degree: BA or BS in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Format: Online
3. Western Oregon University

Western Oregon University offers the best online criminal justice degrees in Oregon for students who are interested in working in law enforcement or similar organizations. Students are taught the necessary skills and abilities to investigate and solve criminal activity. They also can use their skills to find work as a private investigator. Earning an online MA in Criminal Justice gives the graduates confidence they need to be a master of their craft.
Western Oregon University includes the latest technological advancements to support one of the most advanced curriculums available in the state. Faculty members provide support, guidance, and encouragement to students as they begin to work their way through the education process. The students have access to many resources they can rely on to help them earn their degree and look for the perfect employment opportunities. Upon graduation, the student can begin working toward the advancement of their career.
Degree: MA in Criminal Justice
Format: Online
4. Southern Oregon University

Southern Oregon University provides students with the best online criminal justice degrees in Oregon. The program gives students all of the required abilities they will need to successfully perform their duties when working with law enforcement, judicial offices, or similar forms of employment. With an online BA or BS in Criminal Justice, the student can begin working within a very diverse and interesting field. They will have access to a variety of opportunities for advancement.
Southern Oregon University takes great pride in offering students the highest level of education possible. With advanced degree programs and state-of-the-art technology, faculty members are able to use their valuable experience to effectively educate and guide their students. The resources provided by the university offer students every advantage possible when working toward building their careers. Their degree gives them both credibility and the confidence to move forward and get the experience they need.
Degree: BA or BS in Criminal Justice
Format: Online
5. Pacific University

Pacific University gives students the best online criminal justice programs in Oregon. The skills and knowledge provided by these courses provide give students the required skills they can utilize in the legal, judicial, or criminal fields. Students can work in law enforcement or pursue employment as private investigators or consultants. With an online Criminal Justice, Law, and Society degree from the university, graduates can look forward to a very long and lucrative career doing what they enjoy.
Pacific University provides one of the most advanced degree programs available in the state. The university offers cutting-edge technology that allows students to take advantage of new opportunities and challenges. Faculty members are seasoned professionals who use their experience to give students a new and more complete perspective when it comes to their future and what it holds. Graduates are able to look toward the future and a much brighter career.
Degree: Criminal Justice, Law, and Society
Format: Online
6. Eastern Oregon University

Eastern Oregon University provides students with the best online criminal justice degrees in Oregon. Students are given the abilities they need to work as an Emergency Management Director or Fire Services Manager. They receive communication skills as well as environmental training that allows them to protect both the public and the world they live in. With an online BA/BS in Emergency Management or Fire Services Management, graduates are able to work with both the public and Emergency Management teams.
Eastern Oregon University is one of the leading universities in the area that specializes in training emergency management personnel. The curriculums and technology offered to students allow them to pursue career goals within the emergency management field. Faculty members are professionals who have years of experience within their field and are able to provide each student with the advice and encouragement they need to succeed in their career.
Degree: BA/BS in Emergency Management or Fire Services Management
Format: Online
7. Bushnell University

Bushnell University offers the best online criminal justice degrees in Oregon. The courses offer all of the necessary skills to identify patterns and use forensic methods to investigate criminal activity and behaviors within a law enforcement setting. Students who take the time to earn an online Forensic Psychology degree can use their education to assist local law enforcement in solving crimes and identifying potential patterns concerning criminal behavior.
Bushnell University offers the most advanced degree programs in the state of Oregon. Combining state-of-the-art technology with both professional faculty members and the best curriculums gives students every advantage. Valuable resources are available for students that allow them to pursue unique opportunities and gain additional expertise. They can graduate with confidence knowing they can perform their duties accurately and efficiently.
Degree: Forensic Psychology
Format: Online
8. Warner Pacific University

Warner Pacific University gives students the best online criminal justice programs in Oregon. Students are given all of the skills they will need to work within the criminal justice field. They will be able to perform investigations, interviews, and solve complex cases. With this degree program, students can work with private investigators, attorneys, and with law enforcement among others. An online Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree is one of the first steps in establishing a long-lasting career in an investigative field.
As a leader in the field of criminal justice education, Warner Pacific University is well-known for offering many valuable programs and resources students can rely on for providing the highest quality of education possible. Faculty members are professionals in their own right and offer a unique perspective to students who want to gain an advantage when they begin looking for work. Students can use their degree to go after any position they choose within their area of interest.
Degree: Bachelor of Criminal Justice
Format: Online
9. Portland Community College

Portland Community College provides students with the best online associate’s criminal justice degrees in Oregon. Due to the COVID pandemic, the university provides students with all of the information they need through an online format. Students can study and earn their degrees in a safe and comfortable environment. With an online Associate’s in Criminal Justice degree, students can pursue their chosen career and find the employment they are looking for.
Portland Community College provides the most advanced curriculum available to its students. In addition to the exceptional curriculum, professional faculty members are on hand to offer advice and encouragement to students as they face different challenges. The online format allows the student to maintain social distancing and learn in a comfortable environment of their choosing. After graduation, they can take advantage of many different employment opportunities.
Degree: Associates in Criminal Justice
Format: Online for Covid
10. Lane Community College

Lane Community College offers the best online Associates in criminal justice degrees in Oregon. The online courses offer students an opportunity to learn in a safe environment. Due to the COVID pandemic, studying in a classroom setting may not be permitted. The skills this degree offers will give students the basic information to start building their careers. Due to COVID, the student can earn their online Criminal Justice degree in the comfort of their own home.
Lane Community College offers their state of the art criminal justice degree program online. Their online platform is one of the most advanced and easy to use. Faculty members are easily accessible and will provide students with every advantage possible. Students are able to benefit from the experiences of their instructors while utilizing the most advanced technologies available. After graduation, the student can choose to move forward with their education as well as gain employment in their chosen career field.
Degree: Associates in Criminal Justice
Format: Online for Covid
How is the Job Market for Criminal Justice in Oregon?
Criminal justice jobs in Oregon are plentiful. According to the Oregon Department of Justice, they have more than 1,300 employees and are looking to hire more.
One of the good things about a criminal justice degree is the various jobs you can obtain with the degree. Those that want to elevate their jobs can take additional classes or enroll in graduate school classes to obtain additional credits to allow them to secure other jobs within the industry.
An important thing to note is, while these jobs are available in Oregon, there is a national shortage of police offices and other criminal justice employees. So, those that pursue their degree in criminal justice can move into different areas of the state or across the U.S. and expect to find a job. This makes a career in criminal justice a wise choice.
One of the best things about criminal justice jobs in Oregon, is how diverse the positions can be. Here is a sample of what Oregon criminal justice jobs can be secured with a criminal justice degree.
- Police Officers
- Lawyers and Judges
- Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
- Social Workers
- Correctional Officers
- Detectives and Criminal Investigators
- Supervisors of Police and Detectives
- Paralegals and Legal Assistants
- Operations Research Analysts
- Human Resources Workers
- Accountants and Auditors
- Medical and Health Services Managers
- Chief Executives and Legislators
- Registered Nurses
- Software Developers, Applications and Systems Software
- Education Administrators
- Social and Community Service Managers
- Supervisors of Correctional Officers
The diversity in jobs is one reason why so many people are attracted to criminal justice jobs in Oregon. In Portland alone, there are a wide range of jobs available including:
- Criminal investigator
- Compliance specialist
- Social services coordinator
- DOJ Law clerk
- Juvenile detention manager
- Victim advocate, and more
Those with a degree have a myriad of criminal justice jobs in Portland Oregon and even across the U.S. As the country has seen unrest in recent weeks with the take-over of the capital, rioting and the stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for more criminal justice jobs is needed. There appears to limit to the jobs needed and the wide variety of options available to those that want to pursue criminal justice as a career.
How Much Can I Make with a Criminal Justice Degree in Oregon?
This is a difficult question, because there are so many different jobs available to those that hold a criminal justice degree in Oregon. But some of the top jobs and their pay scale is below.
- Detective: $76,100
- Police officer: $62,000
- Crime scene investigator: $59,770
- Correctional officer: $52,750
One thing is for certain, those that pursue a criminal justice degree in Oregon have an open slate of where they want their career to go. With this degree, you can continue your studies and get a law degree and those that have their eyes set at the top rung, can even pursue a judgeship. Others may want to work as a probation officer, police officer, or court reporter.
Many poeple don’t understand how crucial the criminal justice system is, and why it is so important to keep these jobs filled. Without police officers, correctional officers and judges, our lives would be turned upside down. Criminals would be roaming the streets compromising the safety of people who are dedicated to working hard and living a good life. These jobs are very important and necessary in keeping the residents of Oregon, and the entire U.S. safe.
The slate is wide open, all you need to do is determine what area of criminal justice you want to pursue and choose an accredited school that offers the type of online degree you want to work towards and set your mind to achieving that goal.
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