We rely on cops to keep us safe. But sometimes the police themselves are the danger — to your rights. Whether you actually committed a crime, or you’re dealing with a federal officer on a power trip, here’s a list of 30 things you should know about your rights when dealing with cops.
The Basics:
Featured Schools
- The Bill of Rights: The bedrock of your rights in the face of the law.
- The Fourth Amendment: Your right to protection in your “persons, houses, papers, and effects.”
- Your Miranda Rights: An explanation of how you are “Mirandized” and what that means.
- What is Reasonable Suspicion?: Explanation of this legal standard that applies to searches, seizures, and arrests.
- What is Probable Cause?: A guide to when judges can issue warrants or justify arrests.
With a Gun:
- Guarantees of the right to bear arms: A list of state constitutions that guarantee the right to bear arms.
- Handgun Laws Map: A map linked to state-level information on handgun and carry laws.
- Guide to Interstate Firearm Transportation: A guide to your rights in transporting firearms via the interstate.
In Public:
- Stopped by the police?: ACLU’s guide to your rights and being stopped by the police.
- Seven Rules for Recording Police:A guide to your rights when filming cops.
- Can you swear at cops?:A guide to the difference between free speech, yelling, and swearing.
- Peacefully Protesting: How to protest peacefully, effectively, and within your rights.
- Rights of Non-Citizens: ACLU’s guide to non-citizen rights and law enforcement.
In the Car:
- Rights when you’re pulled over: A look at when cops can and can’t pull you over.
- When police can search your car:An outline of when police can and can search your car, and what your rights are.
- Your Rights at Checkpoints: A guide to a variety of checkpoints and your rights.
- When Police Can Use Drug Dogs: Your 4th Amendment rights and drug dog searches.
- Car Passenger Rights: The 4th amendment rights of Passengers in cars stopped by police.
- DUI Dodger App: An app that warns you of DUI checkpoints within 50 miles.
- Fixed App: An app that helps preserve your rights when ticketed.
In your House:
- Police at your door: A guide to your rights when the police come to your home.
At School:
- Your rights in private school: A look at how student rights are different in public and private school.
- Guide to Constitutional Rights on Campus: A series of guides on your rights as a college student.
- 6 Tips to Protect Your Rights in College: A guide to defending your rights when charged with a crime on campus.
At the Station:
- Being Questioned: ACLU’s guide to your rights when police question you.
At the Airport:
- Your rights at airports: ACLU’s guide to your rights at airports and ports of entry.